Quiz - ISKCON desire tree
Flash format / Srimad Bhagavatam /
Canto 08 The Manus Administrators of the Universe
178 KB SWF
Canto 08 The Elephant Gajendra's Crisis
176 KB SWF
Canto 08 Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender
173 KB SWF
Canto 08 Gajendra Returns to the Spiritual World
175 KB SWF
Canto 08 The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for Protection
174 KB SWF
Canto 08 The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce
173 KB SWF
Canto 08 Lord Siva Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison
175 KB SWF
Canto 08 The Churning of the Milk Ocean
174 KB SWF
Canto 08 The Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons
173 KB SWF
Canto 08 King Indra Annihilates the Demons
176 KB SWF
Canto 08 The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders Lord Siva
173 KB SWF
Canto 08 Description of Future Manus
174 KB SWF
Canto 08 The System of Universal Management
169 KB SWF
Canto 08 Bali Maharaja Conquers the Heavenly Planets
173 KB SWF
Canto 08 Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
173 KB SWF
Canto 08 The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son
169 KB SWF
Canto 08 Lord Vamanadeva the Dwarf Incarnation
174 KB SWF
Canto 08 Lord Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja
171 KB SWF
Canto 08 Bali Maharaja Surrenders the Universe
173 KB SWF
Canto 08 Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
173 KB SWF
Canto 08 Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life
171 KB SWF
Canto 08 The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets
166 KB SWF
Canto 08 Matsya the Lord's Fish Incarnation
172 KB SWF
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