Quiz - ISKCON desire tree
The following quizzes are in flash format (.swf)
When you click on the quizzes below, your PC first downloads the quizzes. Once the download is complete than you can view the quiz. During this period of download you may see only a blank screen.
In case after downloading you are still unable to view the quiz than it is possible your browser needs a flash player plugin. Please install the free Adobe Flash player for your browser.
For Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera browsers download flash plugin here .
For Internet explorer download flash plugin here.
To save quizzes on your computer, right click and select "save as...". After download view the quizzes in any of the browsers like internet explorer, firefox or opera.
Initially, the browser will block the content and an alert will appear on the topside of the window. Please right click on this and select allow content. Another security warning will open. Please say yes again.
Now you can view the quizzes downloaded on your local computer as many times you want without having to download it repeatedly.
Flash format
Bhagavad Gita
39 files
Nectar of devotion
19 files
Nectar of instructions
11 files
Sri Isopanishad
18 files
Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta
55 files
Srimad Bhagavatam
7 folders
Teachings of Lord Chaitanya
8 files
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